Concert For Tolerance

In 1993, Jarre was appointed by the UN, UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador, for his ongoing contribution to the Arts & Entertainment and for his energy and talent in highlighting various local cultural aspects in his performances around the globe. On Bastille Day 1995, in front of the Eiffel Tower, in the centre of Paris, he conceived and performed his “Concert for Tolerance”, celebrating the 50th anniversary of the United Nations. The concert began with a flyover of the concert area, Champs de Mars, by French Army’s prestigious Patrouille de France. The Eiffel Tower had never been so artistically lit : this incited the French Government to give the capital’s landmark a permanent new lighting effect for the Millennium and which contiues today.

The concert offered many of Jarre’s greatest hits, but also some less well-known work, such as Industrial Revolution… The general theme, Tolerance, was clearly expressed in the giant visual projections, and also with the presence alongside Jarre of Khaled, a megastar in the Arab world.


Chronologie 6
Chronologie 3
Equinoxe 7
Souvenir of China
Chronologie 4
Magnetic Fields 1
Vivaldi Tribute
Industrial Revolution
Band in the Rain
Oxygene 4
Calypso 1
Rendez-Vous 4


Jean-Michel Jarre
Guy Delacroix
Sylvain Durand
Laurent Faucheux
Dominique Mahut
Dominique Perrier
Francis Rimbert
Patrick Rondat

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