Le Printemps de Bourges

Jarres most confidential performance to date took place at Bourges, France in April 2002. It was in the context of the very hype music festival called Le Printemps de Bourges. The concert, more in the lines of a Master Class, was shared by a full house of no more than 100 happy few, in the historic setting of Palais Jacques-Coeur.

For the occasion Jarre had taken along his Theremin and synthesisers of both older and newer generation. The theme of this singular performance was the development of electronic music, and Jarre also played a piece, Blue, from one of his very first works, Aor, which he composed while he was studying with Pierre Schaeffer at GRM (Groupe de Recherches Musicales).


AOR Bleu 2002 (Metallic Souvenir)
Metamorphoses 2002 (Body Language / Crazy Saturday)
Bourges 1 (Paris Bourges)
Bourges 2 (Alive in Bourges)


Jean Michel Jarre
Francis Rimbert

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