Equinoxe Infinity

For my new album project EQUINOXE INFINITY I started for the first time with the album cover not the music. I still think that Michael Granger who did the original EQUINOXE cover created one of the best album covers of all time. For the original it was all about the WATCHERs. These strange creatures watching us? Watching Space? Watching machines? Watching a natural phenomenon ? We don’t really know…they are not scary, but odd and mysterious. So I took the original Watchmen of the EQUINOXE cover to continue the story.I recently discovered the work of Filip Hodas, a super talented young artist, and asked him to create two different artworks in line with my vision for EQUINOXE INFINITY. One cover shows mankind in peace with nature and technology and the other depicts a picture of fear and distortion with machines taking over the world. With the artwork for Oxygene I wanted to draw attention to the poisoned state of planet earth. With these two artworks for EQUINOXE INFINITY I want to bring attention to the two scenarios we are facing today with our love for & our dependance on innovation and technology. The music of EQUINOXE INFINITY is the soundtrack to those two different worlds.